Links to related nature blogs and sites

Airphoto Malta
The organization is based strategically at Malta International Airport in the Heart of the Mediterranean Sea and offer a combination of high resolution stills & HD Videos.
Alan Deidun
Alan Deidun is a marine biologist and researcher.  Through this website one can find information regarding his research, publications, campaigns and other related documents, articles, links and documentaries.
Albert Gatt Floridia
This webpage is dedicated, mainly, to photography of Maltese flora and fauna.
Alfred E. Baldacchino
On the website, one can find publications and articles written by Alfred Baldacchino regarding Maltese biodiversity and the environment.
Anecdotes from Malta
My blog is all about the titbits of my life on this sunny culinary experiments and some entertaining information about my beloved country.
Araldika Malta Araldika's mission is to provide information on the coats of arms that surround all of us, and in so doing preserve the national heritage that heraldry holds.

Arnold Sciberras
Arnold Sciberras is an amateur nature photographer and a local entomologist and only local herpetologist. He is in the Council of Nature Trust Malta as a conservation officer. He is a graduate in agribusiness and dedicates most of his time to the study and conservation of local wildlife.
The Astronomical Society of Malta The Astronomical Society of Malta is established to promote and propagate education and interest in the science of Astronomy , but particularly it has the aims to organise lectures, courses, discussions, observing sessions and/or similar activities.
Birding in Malta This website, Birding in Malta, is a very informative website, designed to help both the locals and the foreigners to learn more about the Birds of Malta and lead them to understand that in Malta, a wide variety of Birds can be seen, especially during migration.
BirdLife Malta
BirdLife Malta strives to conserve wild birds and their habitats. The organisation monitors activity that threatens wild birds, such as illegal hunting and trapping and urban development in conservation areas on the Maltese islands.
Carmel Cacopardo
This blog is directed at discussing issues of political importance in the maltese context.
Cultural Malta is a project by the heritage and environment voluntary group Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar (FAA). This website has been set up to focus on and promote the study of Maltese history and culture around the world.
CVC - Citadel video Communications For the past 25 years, CVC has produced award winning television educational programmes, documentaries, programme promos and 3D visualization for the local and international field.
Din l-Art Helwa
The role of Din l-Art Helwa is to safeguard Malta's cultural heritage and the natural environment for future generations, which includes the hands-on conservation and restoration of our cultural heritage.
The website is dedicated to providing information such as articles, publications and photographs of birds which occur in the Maltese Islands. DIOMEDEA Malta also has various on-going projects to ensure the continued presence of these birds on our islands.
Discovering Malta's Flora and Fauna
This website is aimed to give the viewer a taste of the wide variety of species that one can encounter in the Maltese Islands.
Eco Gozo
EcoGozo is a vision for an island to become even more beautiful, inspiring, welcoming, thriving, inclusive and successful.  A healthy and successful place to live in, in equilibrium with the environment.  This is essentially what eco-island will strive to achieve.
EkoSkola Malta
This NGO focuses mainly on environmental education in the Maltese Islands. EkoSkola aims at mobilizing the whole school to empower students to adopt an active role in environmental decision-making and action in their school and in their community.
Energy Saving Initiatives Promoting Energy Efficiency in Malta at a personal level.
Entomological Society of Malta
The website of the Entomological Society of Malta provides information, publications and photographs of local insects. Events by the organisation are also published on the website.
Fiori di Sicilia Fiori di Sicilia
Fish4Tomorrow is a local NGO which aims to raise local consumer, restaurateur and retailer awareness on the importance of acquiring seafood from sustainable sources in order to preserve our fisheries.
Flora Italiana Detailed online catalogue of Italian flora
This web-page is dedicated solely to Foraminifera of Europe. 
Friends of the Earth - Malta
Friends of the Earth Malta  is a local non-government organisation, member of an International network of NGOs, which strive to promote sustainable development and to ensure that human activities do not harm other living creatures.
Greenhouse is a student organisation working at the University of Malta. Their primarily focus is on Environmental and Social issues on the university campus, promoting discussion, raising awareness and implementing simple solutions.
Humans of Malta Malta is a small sunny island in the heart of the Mediterranean. We hope to capture its charm and character one portrait at a time.
In search of a Maltese identity
The aim of this blog is to investigate notions of Maltese identity - whatever that may be.
Institute of Earth Systems
This Facebook page for the Institute of Earth Systems, based at the University of Malta, provides information regarding courses and activities and also uploads information and news on both the local and international level.
Jeffrey Sciberras
A flickr page dedicated to photography of various Maltese flora.
Kappelli Maltin L-għan ta’ dan is-sit huwa li jagħti informazzjoni u jżid l-apprezzament ta’ dawn il-kappelli u knejjes żghar ta Malta.
Kelma Kelma Kelma Kelma hi paġna dwar il-ġmiel tal-Malti, dwar il-ġmiel li tista' tagħmel bl-ilsien Malti jekk tieqaf ftit u tagħraf xi ġmiel ta' lsien hu l-Malti.
Koperattiva Rurali Manikata
The general aim of this organization is to put forward projects that would help to safeguard the natural, historical, social and economic environment of the place. Today the cooperative is working on 4 different projects:
Leslie Vella
Photographs and paintings by Leslie Vella representing Maltese landscape and culture.
Mr. Vella also maintains an interesting blog via
Life Project Migrate LIFE Migrate Project (LIFE11 NAT/MT/1070) aims at enabling studies to be carried out on the status of the population of the loggerhead turtle and of the bottlenose dolphin in Maltese waters. 
Literature on Maltese Malacology and Natural History
On this webpage one can find literature related to molluscs and the natural history of the Maltese Islands.
This is the official website dedicated to the Majjistral Nature and History Park, Malta's first natural national park.
Malta daily photo
The Malta daily photo blog is dedicated to photography and information about Maltese culture and geography.
Malta Goes Rural
The project seeks to promote the Maltese rural heritage through the set up of walking trails and small scale infrastructural interventions that aim to improve accessibility in semi-rural, rural and natural areas.
Malta Herpetological Society The Malta Herpetological Society was formed in 2013 first and foremost to promote the scientific study and conservation of the local wild herpetofauna.
Malta National Aquarium The Aquarium visitor attraction in Qawra is an EU Co-funded project being implemented through a private public partnership (PPP) project between MTA and Marine Aquatic LTD
Malta Notebook

A girl in Malta

Malta Once upon a time

Enjoy old photos and treasures from our past.

Malta Type
A collection of images showing typography that appears around Malta & Gozo.
Malta Water Association The Malta Water Association's mission is to communicate, educate, develop knowledge and raise public awareness on the sustainable management of Malta’s limited water resources.
Malta Underground
Exploring architectural, natural, military & industrial heritage underground: WW2 shelters, disused railway tunnels, vaults, forgotten passageways, natural caves, water cisterns, cellars, underground cold war relics, ancient sewers, crypts & catacombs.
Malta: History, Language and Literature
This website contains information in the form of articles and book reviews on the History, Language and Literature of Malta published in (mainly) Maltese academic journals. is a website dedicated to 360 degree images of scenes and interesting locations in Malta and Gozo.

Maltese Nature
A blog providing articles related to Maltese nature, from geography, climate and the flora and fauna of the Maltese Islands.
The webpage showcases an updated online flora of the Maltese islands.
Maltese Wild Flowering Plants on the net This homepage is dedicated to the wild flowering plants that are indigenous to the countryside of Malta.
The Malta Environment and Planning Authority webpage provides information to the public on the local environment and boasts a diverse planning database where one can see what has and is being done. 
Merill Eco Tours
Merill Eco Tours is an enterprise in Malta providing eco-friendly experiences to visitors who wish to enjoy nature, culture, history and tradition. Managed by experts in agriculture and environment with over 15 years of experience, they are the pioneers of Ecotourism services in the Maltese Islands and leaders in the field. 
Military Architecture has been set up to focus on and promote the study of military architecture and fortification around the world.  It seeks to bring together and build an extensive international  corpus of information, data, and ideas - research papers, lectures, videos, forums, conferences, publications, etc., -  that are freely available on the web and make these educational resources available to researchers and students through direct internet access via this website.
A natural history blog, with emphasis on molluscs, new publications and Malta.
Caroline Muscat is a journalist, editor and activist focusing on issues of civil rights, politics and the environment on both the local and global level.
National Museum of Natural History - Malta
This blog features articles about or related to the environment, focusing mainly on the local level but also including posts of general information.
Natura 2000
Natura 2000 is the EU-wide network of nature conservation areas, established to ensure the survival of Europe's most valuable and threatened terrestrial and marine species and habitats for future generations.  The Natura 2000 network was formed in response to growing public concern over the loss of Europe's biodiversity.
The webpage showcases photographs, videos and information about the local environment, both marine and terrestrial.
Nature Trust Malta
Nature Trust (Malta) is today one of the oldest and largest environmental NGOs in Malta dealing with natural environment of the Maltese Islands. Over the years it has worked and lobbied hard to get legal protection for various plants and animals in the Maltese Islands, helping to save from extinction some of the local endemic species.
Nicec Fit-Toroq - Saints On The Streets As we walk on our streets we can notice a number of niches and statues to remind us about our extended family of Friends of God. It will be nice to find their story and how they adorn our streets. Hope we can bring them here and get to know them better. 
Omertaa Omertaa, journal for Applied Anthropology, was launched in January, 2007. It is an international peer reviewed journal, with an academic board, publishing on issues which belong to the broader field of Applied Anthropology and related issues.
The main objective of the PANACEA project is to promote the sound scientific management of biodiversity assets within Sicilian and Maltese Marine Protected Areas (MPA's) by drawing on codes of best practice developed within selected MPAs and through the institution of environmental educational centres.
Identifying insects from photographs is notoriously difficult. While it is not so difficult to identify the genus, when it comes to the species, it very often requires an expert in his/her particular field to examine a specimen under a microscope to be one hundred percent sure that it is correctly identified.
Since I am a photographer and not a biologist, I do my best by asking experts for their advice, and therefore cannot guarantee that every insect is correctly identified.
Permaculture Research Foundation Malta
The focus of permaculture is to design and establish societal systems that provide for humanity's material and non-material needs such as food, water, shelter, energy, and health in a way that is symbiotic and synergistic with the Earth's natural balanced ecosystems. More recently permaculture is incorporating an increasing range of fields and skill sets and is being applied towards areas such as business, government, economics, group process, social systems, self-development and spiritual practice. 
Safi Fields

Blog about the cultivation of Maltese fields.

Sharklab Malta Sharklab Malta is a registered NGO in Malta and is a non-profit voluntary organisation dedicated to research, education and raising greater awareness about all Elasmobranch (Sharks, Rays, Skates and Chimaeras) around Malta and within the Mediterranean.
SharksMalta The Shark Project will be dedicated to promoting the study, management and conservation of sharks and rays in Maltese Waters, as well as educating the public.
This project proposes to strengthen the planning and management and restore a system of south-eastern Sicilian Natura 2000 protected coastal wetlands of primary national and European community importance, and rehabilitate stepping stones of natural Mediterranean maquis habitat in Gozo's agricultural landscape to enhance the ecological connectivity of the transboundary area. 
Steve Bonello

Steve Bobello - Notes from a small island

Tal-Ostja is a collection of all the coolest, alternative things you can find in Malta. It is also a tribute to all the people whose products are an ode to the love and passion they put into their work.
Team Stealth Rotors
Aerial Photography and videos of the Maltese Islands using quad-copters.
The 5ft Wanderer A height-challenged journalist in her early 20's documents her worldly wanderings and life in Brisbane, Australia as she goes through nomad training.
The Cliffs
The centre is managed by La Pinta Ltd, a private company from Dingli. It has long seen the need of blending the environment, tourism and local aspects together and to offer a service for visitors visiting the cliffs.
The Gaia Foundation
The mission of the Foundation is to carry out hands on project implementation in the fields of environment and integrated coastal zone management. An essential part of its work includes the development of models for a sustainable society. These models incorporate a holistic approach to living, reflecting nature and mother earth itself, from which the Foundation derives its name.
The Maltese Islands - The Natural Environment
The webpage provides educational information on the structural geography, scenery, flora and fauna of the Maltese Islands.
University of Malta- Biology
This is the homepage of the faculty of biology at the University of Malta. Here, one can find information regarding the courses being offered by the faculty, research papers, dissertations, activities and other related information.
Why Not
Why Not is a Non-profit, organisation with a Shop that provides revenue for the NGO. The back of the shop has a comfortable space for events and workshops to take place. The range of these workshops and talks is wide and varied with an array of subjects ranging from Yoga, Green Energy, Self-Sustainability, Expression through Art and Music, Meditation and a lot more.
Xjenza is the Journal of the Malta Chamber of Scientists and is published by the Chamber in in electronic format. Xjenza is a peer-reviewed, open access international journal.
Yelkouan Shearwater Project
The Yelkouan Shearwater Project is Malta’s largest conservation initiative. It is important because the Maltese Islands are home to approximately 10% of the world’s population of Yelkouan Shearwaters (Puffinus yelkouan).
Young Reporters for the Environment Malta
Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) is a programme designed specifically for secondary and post-secondary students. The main aim is to carry out investigations on local environmental issues and propose solutions through investigative reporting and photojournalism.  The goal of YRE is to engage youth in resolving environmental problems and issues.
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